Friday, July 13, 2012

A first go

This is a test run for a blog idea I feel is worth setting at my computer to create ...

Concept:  Highlight local ministries/ needs in and around Newton Co. GA so that others in the community have a central place to find areas of need in our community / to raise awareness of the needs that are in our community /  to bridge the gap btwn needs and available volunteers

 Vision: eventually I would like to create a website that will allow people in any county in the united stated to post easily of needs / ministries in their local community so that others can click on their state and then county to find needs in their own Judea

This blog is meant to be uniquely Christian in its concept based on our command to carry the gospel to Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth.  I believe that in most church communities it is sometimes easier to find needs at the ends of the earth than it is in our backyard.  My hope is that this blog will take some of the intimidation out of serving in our local community.